Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Unstoppable Modi

The Unstoppable Modi

“Narendra Modi to Gujarat is like Atal to the nation..” says  Tarun Vijay of Rediff.  One can not  fully endorse this statement, because NaMo, as he is called,  is & was a national figure for many Indians for the last 5-7 years of his tenure.  But why ?  It is just  for his relentless effort  for a Clean, Green, Non-corrupt , Develop oriented leadership skill…..

In spite of his great tenure for the last 10 years, Modi was always been in the forefront of criticism from the so called secularists of the nation. But actually as far as a general observer, one can notice that, such allegations are totally absurd and baseless…

Allegation 1 – Modi represents the Manuvadi Brahmin party BJP
                        BJP has been branded as a Brahmin Party and such a question looks totally irrelevant  when you talk about Modi.  Modi belongs to a OBC section of Hinduism which clearly is not a Brahmin  nor a  forward community.    It should also be noted that his OBC sect is only comprises 2% of the total population of the Gujarat state.  Hence the allegation of BJP being a sectarian party don’t have any in depth value  as such. It was BJP who asked the Kesubhai Patel to step down and installed Modi to the CM because  of Kesubhai’s failure. In fact the sectarian card which was played by Kesubhai by trying to  take out the  Patel community vote bank was out rightly rejected by the BJP and the people.

Allegation 2 – Modi is communal and against Muslims.
                        There was not even a single communal issue in the last 10 years in Modi’s rule.  And there is no  other state in india which can hold such a great record for such a long period either.  Also in the 2002 episode it was 700+ muslims and 250+ hindus who were killed in that riot, but again and again the so called secularists and a section of media kept on their ranting like “Modi killed 2000+ muslims.” which is a blatant lie.Even the Wikipedia states these numbers..  ( see the portion Toll)

Allegation 3 – Modi polarize the society.
This time election analysis cleraly stated that not only BJP consolidated in the urban areas, it has clearly made good inroads in the rural areas. In the section wise calculation of hindu religion, even after a powerful Patel leader like Kesubhai left the party, Modi was still preferable to most of the Patels. More than 23% Muslims voted for him. Hence across length and breadth of the state, Modi really excelled in his performance and hence the argument of polarization is absolute without any ground reality.

Allegation 4 – The development image of Gujarat is a propaganda
As some section of the media says, Gujarat success for good governance was never because of  the propaganda of BJP people. The economic index was prepared by the world body Of THE 2012 LEGATUM PROSPERITY INDEX™ RANKINGS
In this index, Gujarat ranks number 15 in the whole world and is equated with Germany..!!
( Please see that India is  ranked as  101 and my state Kerala, which boosts that it has progressed like an average European country ranks only in the 30th position..)

                                             ( image courtesy to Prosperity Index )

    In fact in the earlier times ( before BJP or Modi started ruling the state ) in none of the above  indexes,  Gujarat was leading in the international calculations, except some of the business strides by some of the Gujaratis.  
  If you compare Gujarat  to Bengal where the Marxists were in power for nearly 30 years, Communists were not able to bring in any achievements in an international level.

The prominent Indian magazine of India today in its state conclave analysis also predicted that Gujarat was doing much better than any state in India.

Allegation 5 - Modi cant influence other BJP states
      Also allegations are there which says that no other places BJP was good and hence Modi was never set an example to others.  Raman singh of BJP is now going to rule his second time because of his good governance. Also Madhya Pradesh CM Sivaraj Chauhan, is making good progresses in his state.  These are not BJP propaganda as you can see the in the media clearly.

Allegation 6 – Modi is autocratic and brought up a party inside party.
             It is quite clear that Modi created a persona without any parallels. This is indeed because of his simple approach even to its detractors.  Even in the victory speech he really thanked the 6 crore gujaratis for the win and was not at all hesitant to visit the rebel leader Kesubhai in his house.  Lots of time Modi had emotionally expressed his anger to the question of how can he be bigger than the party himself.

Allegation 7 – Gujarat is not India and India is not Gujarat.
            Section of media always says that Gujarat is not India and India is not Gujarat. It is one simple idea to stop Modi to come in the national political arena.  When a person can lead a state without any sectarian divisions to a  fully development model, it is an ample evidence that he is fully fit to extend his methodology to the whole nation.  Modi has created lasting relationships across the length and breadth of the world through various electronic methodologies.  No other state leader would have made contact with common man like Modi did. Hence with such an approach,  if he can deliver to the whole nation, then he defenitely can extend his profile to that greater national scenario.

   In spite of all these obstacles,  Modi never got disappointed. The biggest strength for Modi was, from  each and every victory he moved on and used it as a stepping stone for the next oncoming milestone.

 Strength 1 – Dynamic leadership.
            As a person, Modi , always preferred to be communicative to the issues and problems of the common man.  He is a workholic who works nearly 14 hours a day. A bachelor in life, Modi devotes most of his time to spend in office concentrating the state affairs. The dynamism also is quite evident in his speeches and the methodology how he delivers the ideas and how he respond to the questions from the public.

 Strength 2 – Far reaching relation to people.
            Two examples which need to be shown here are how Modi interacted with 2 southern political stalwarts of current Indian political system.  The first one was the VR Krishna Iyer who was the first law minister of of Kerala and a veteran Communist leader.

Mr. Iyer writes :

Dear Narendra Modi,

After glancing through the material you had sent through courier I hold you as a part of the Indian history in its modern development odyssey. You are a super patriot and your stature is beyond any particular party. Do continue the national mission you have undertaken. Indian history of the 20th century will not be complete without an excellent reference to the majestic contribution you have made in the field of Indian Energy Unlimited.

With regards,

Yours sincerely,

Read full letter at

 The other person whom Modi was keeping his relation was the Cho-Ramaswami of Tamil Nadu as well as  the Chief Minister J Jayalaliltha. The great writer of Tamil Nadu , Mr. Ramaswami , the editor of magazine Tuglak, invited Modi a couple of times to Chennai to show how well he can communicate with the Tamil Nadu people.            

-Modi said Tamil Nadu and Gujarat share many things in common. They have many links from ancient days.
-Modi said people of Tamil Nadu loves coffee and he too likes a coffee, but a material to make perfect coffee comes from Gujarat.
-Modi also mentioned that ground nut oil comes from Gujarat. He also said that Tamil women loves cotton sarees and cotton comes from Gujarat.
-Modi described how the people of Saurasthra have become Tamilian.
-Modi said in his own constituency of Maninagar there are more than 20,000 Tamils. Modi said by inviting him, Cho has made ties between Tamil Nadu and Gujarat more stronger.

Strength 3 – Ever growing aspiration for new methods including the latest technology.
  One of the biggest success of Modi is to use the Technology to leverage the development process and to communicate people. He had clearly indicated  many times that the current technological world should used in India for further progresses.
In August 2012, Modi used the Google hangout to communicate with the people all over the world.  It was unique, first ever Hangout by a public leader with an international audience. President Obama and PM Gilliard Hangouts were held for residents of their respective countries. This program was witnessed by people from 116 countries all across the world, which numbered more than 40 lakh..!!

Strength 4 - A mesmerizing support from the people of his own constituency.
            In fact the best support he enjoys is from his own people of his constituency, Maninagar. In the last election held in December 2012,  Mr. Modi secured approx 1,20,000 votes out of 1, 56,000,  which means he snatched the support of  78%  in his favor..!!!!.
( ).  

 Several times Modi narrated that he will be  CM always, because for him , CM does not mean Chief Minister, but just Common Man.  Yes true, only he can represent a whopping majority of nearly 80% of his hometown, to become the leader of those Common Men.