Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dr. Gopalakrishan THURSDAY MESSAGE, 9nd April 2009 (SERIES 152)

THURSDAY MESSAGE, 9nd April 2009 (SERIES 152)

Sree Varaha Upanishad explanation continues. In the fifth chapter of this Upanishad detailed description of the Yoga is given in a systematic way . The five yamaas, which are ahimsa, satyam, astheyam, brahma charya, aparigraham, and five niyamaas as soucham, santhosham, thapa, swaadhyaam, and eeswara pranidhaanam are given in the first part of the fifth chapter. Then the eleven yogaasanaas like savaasana, thrikonaasana, kukkutaasana, sarabhaasana and so on are given systematically with full clarifications. The japa yoga, hata yoga and the effect of mantras are also given. Then the significance of naadees and the connection of the nadees with the praana and their mutual interdependence are explained.

ACHIEVEMENTS OF IISH IN THIS WEEK: A series of lectures were given in Sydney and Canbera Australia during the international seminar on Ayurveda.

ANCIENT INDIAN MANAGEMENT MESSAGES: VIDUROPADESA; None should be in our family who makes fun of scholars and tarnishes them. None should be in our family who denigrates the Vedic scholars. None should be in our family who has incurred the curse of their parent and forefathers. These type of people should not be allowed even to enter into our homes


Indian Journal of history of Science reports that the ancient 250 KG iron producing furnace had the same design as the modern 1000 ton iron producing furnaces. The furnace which were excavated in Kodumanal of TN could produce a temperature of 1300 C during that period ( remember there was no electricity or coal or coke during that period for producing such a high temperature. Today this high temperature is produced with electricity)


When a king came to Lord Buddha and requested Buddha to give him deeksha for sanyaasa and accept him as Buddha’s disciple, Lord Buddha asked where are you coming from. The king said that he was coming from the battle field. The Buddha replied, go fight the war and win . then go your country and give your responsibility of the kingdom to a powerful hand and then come to me, I shall give you deeksha and accept you as my disciple. Ahimsa is not running away from the duty whomsoever you may be. Now we started thinking that keeping quite and doing nothing is ahimsa and noninterference.

A SERIOUS INFORMATION: A series of Christian schools in various parts of the country practice this method of cheating for creating faith in Jesus. When the school bus takes the students to picnic or tour, the driver stops the bus somewhere in a slope and tells the students, that the bus will not move further due to engine problem. Then the Christian nuns who accompany the students advise the students to pray their own god. The Hindu students start praying their god . The driver acts as though he is trying to start the bus. The driver acts that all the prayer fails and the engine does not start, The nuns and Christian teachers request the students let us all pray to Jesus, immediately the driver starts the bus. The nuns tell see the greatness of Jesus. Only when you prayed Jesus the engine was started. Keep praying to Jesus whenever you are in trouble only Jesus can save you none else give up all other prayers.

YOUR QUESTIONS AND MY ANSWERS ( YOUR QUESTIONS ON CASTE SYSTEMS CONTD). There are many politicians who fought against caste system. Is it not true? It was true when there was no elections. It is not true now because all these negatives are being done for winning the election by hooks and crooks ………. Did the Brahmins get more respect in the society in olden days? Impossible, the kings were known everywhere in the country and they were kshatriyas. The Vaisyas were widely known and respected and they used to travel many places. The sudras who were great painters, artists, sculptors were well known for their original contribution in Sthapathya Vedas and respected……….. like that the Brahmins who contributed for maintaining and nurturing the Vedas and other spiritual activities were also in the list of scholars and received respect like others……… what is your role in removing the caste system ? I know that the caste system cannot be removed from Indian or any other society in the world….. Then what should be done ? Remove the negatives of the caste system …….. like what / instead removing the body part when affected, cure the problems of the body part………. How are you curing the society ? Let the caste themselves protect their interest and let the group support each other wherever possible and where ever not possible to cooperate each other, let them work separately also for the benefit of their caste also. Can you give examples ! See in Kerala we have Nair caste working through NSS, Eezhava through SNDP. Pulayas through PMS, Nadars through NMJS, and so on fr betterment of their caste grou nicely and fantastic results are seen also. We work with them for educating their members and eradicating superstition. Sometimes just like we divide the school class into divisions and standards for easy and better teaching methods., Here we have already got divisions, use that like the school divisions………. Also support Amma’s , Satya Saibaba’s and Guruji’s, Chinmaya mission, and many other organization which focus on people from all walks of life without reminding them that they belong to different caste . Informing them that they are all equal and none is superior or inferior……… do like that. I assure you from our experience it will work. Among Hindu community the divide based on caste system is very less compared to the fight between different muslim group among themselves and different Christian groups among themselves for power, money and for converting each other to their castes.


With pranams !
Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan,
M. A.; M.Sc.;Ph.D.; D.Litt.;
Director, IISH

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